Warren Music Academy’ performance groups are truly unlike any other program.
When behavioral specialists have recommend a program for the profound impact it has on kids and teens, you understand why parents and participants tell us…
“You guys are so much more than music lessons.”
Over the past 20 years, group participants have consistently recognized the following benefits they have received from the performance group experience:
Be certain to read this in its entirety, (please don’t skim) as
there are aspects to be understood before applying.
Be certain to read this in its entirety (please don’t skim) as there are aspects to be understood before applying.
Performance groups will be made up of 4-5 members per group (age range and skill level will be matched as well as similar taste in music). Groups will meet once per week for a one-hour band-coaching session.
Each group will learn and rehearse their songs in an actual stage style setting, where they will learn all aspects of the band process and experience. Past groups have said time and time again that this is the highlight of their week.
Once confident, groups will have the option to play at the weekend camp jams throughout the year, as well as two annual live showcases at a local venue where they can invite family and friends to watch.
Participants learn to appreciate the value of each and every contribution, regardless of size.Through the observation of coaches, members learn to express appreciation to others for their efforts and individual contributions. If you’ve ever had a boss, coworker, or someone in your life not recognize your efforts, you know what this feels like.
Leadership skills
Even the most withdrawn participants find a voice of confidence, to be heard and respected. Over time, and through a series of steps, members develop leadership attributes that are inspiring to see.
Positive socialization
Perhaps my favorite part. These groups are a place where participants find they are able to just be themselves, as they develop trust and confidence through new found friendships.
We’ve watched students of a wide range of ages grow as musicians and individuals from participating in our performance groups. Kids and teens develop positive, inspiring friendships with peers from a variety of schools outside their own, expanding their abilities and providing opportunities to participate in talent shows, outings, and all that comes from expanding their network.
Adults form new friendships, perhaps for the first time in years. It is not uncommon to see them start hanging out in the lobby after class, as the conversation spills out to the parking lot as they leave for the evening.
More often than not, they enjoy the experience so much, they start meeting outside of the group to work together at a member’s home, etc.
What method are the group coaches using to bring about all of these benefits, so consistently over time?
People, by nature, love a simple answer. A magic formula or silver bullet that cuts to the chase. There is no simple answer. This isn’t only about methodology. In fact, it is through patience and time, that members discover the growth and evolution of their own new found skills, mindsets, and attributes.
Perhaps the biggest takeaway is the realization that consistency to purpose is the winning strategy for long-term goal planning and commitment.
Just think of how much any life benefits from this, especially in times where the addiction to moment by moment dopamine hits dominates our interactions with devices and media outlets.
We have an obvious attention deficit problem, across all ages. This feeds anxiety and fuels depression.
The performance group helps people step away from the daily distractions, long enough to quiet the mind and enjoy a positive, restorative experience.
As one astute participant observed, “the group helped me get out of my head and back to my senses.” A profound statement as it becomes more and more meaningful over time.
This program has become the highlight of most people’s week, regardless of age, for a number of reasons.
Don Warren grew up in a house with 13 foster children who were each at the highest end of the risk spectrum. Having an exceptionally gifted counselor for a father has given him the insight to tap into his own gift of intuition, and that has continued with his own sons as well.
Past students have often remarked how the attributes obtained from the experience have shaped success in their personal and professional lives with their own children, family, and coworkers. Some have come back to work with Warren Music Academy to bring this to members today.
So, in short, there is no quick answer. It is a lesson learned over time. Almost all past members can attest to moments of doubt, frustration, and desire to expedite the process, all the while not realizing that these feelings were a necessary part of the process to further drive a new perspective and needed growth.
As one member stated:
“I don’t quite understand it, but it sure has worked.”
– Kenneth S
That member was a highly successful attorney who, upon making that statement, began to laugh, realizing that his own success was all about the long view, through strategy, observation, intuition, and commitment to the end game.
Most participants have no idea what they are gaining, beyond learning a song. In fact, it often isn’t until a member suddenly realizes it, that they express it to the group, and the “ah hah” moment occurs.
For us, that moment is among our most treasured experiences, because we care deeply about helping people find something they can count on to express whatever drives them to this moment.
What is the expected commitment?
This is an important factor in not only the individual’s experience, but in the group as a whole.
The performance group comes to life and moves forward when each contribution is present. The trip is going to take a lot longer if a tire goes missing from the car frequently. In this regard, performance groups instill a sense of accountability and personal responsibility from each participant to the rest of the group.
Regular, weekly attendance is expected and required from group participants.
When are the performance groups?
Performance groups meet once per week for one hour, and work with a variety of professional coaches.
Will performance groups perform shows?
Yes! Group participants will perform at performance showcases throughout the year at a variety of local venues, with a professional sound engineer.
Will the kids learn performance and stage presentation?
Absolutely. All bands will choose a name, get to dress as they would imagine themselves if they were a headlining act, and, in fact, learn all about showmanship and stage presentation at the highest level.
What additional opportunities might be included?
Some performance groups ask for the opportunity to record songs in a professional recording studio.
How do I sign up?
Contact Warren Music Academy and let us know you are interested and we will reach out with what is needed to start the process.